Quotes of The Day

"Use your time wisely. Every moment produce beautiful thoughts, loving, kindness, forgiveness. Say beautiful things, inspire, forgive, act physically to protect and help." - Thich Nhat Hanh

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Mindfulness Retreat & Public Talk

Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 6 Nov - Minggu, 8 Nov 2009
Tempat : Jhana Manggala Meditasi Graha, Gunung Geulis, Bogor
Biaya : Rp 200.000,-

Berangkat dari Pusdiklat Buddhis Bodhidharma tanggal 5 Nov 2009, pukul 19.00. Pendaftaran ditutup paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2009. Tempat terbatas.

Public Talk
Hari / Tanggal : Selasa 10 Nov 2009
Waktu : pukul 19.00 - 21.00 BBWI
Tempat : Plaza Sentral Lt. 11, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 47, Jakarta 12930
Biaya : Rp 30.000,-
*Untuk 10 pendaftar pertama secara online yang pembayarannya sudah kami terima, dapat menukarkan bukti transfer Anda dengan T-shirt Zen elegan di tempat acara berlangsung. Nama-nama pendaftar yang beruntung akan kami hubungi melalui sms. KLIK DISINI untuk mendaftar online.

Hari / Tanggal : Jumat, 13 Nov - Senin, 16 Nov 2009
Tempat : Bojjhanga Bhavana Center, Kintamani, Bali
Biaya : Rp 1.000.000,-

- Peserta sudah harus tiba di BBC hari Kamis, 12 November 2009, pkl. 17.00 untuk registrasi ulang dan persiapan retreet.
- Setiap peserta, masing - masing menempati 1 kamar sendiri, dengan kapasitas hanya 50 peserta.
- Tiket pesawat & transportasi ke tempat retret ditanggung oleh masing - masing peserta (kami dapat membantu pengaturan transportasi para peserta untuk ke Bojjhanga Bhava Center).

Diselenggarakan oleh:
Pusdiklat Buddhis Bodhidharma & Buddhist Fellowship Indonesia.

Suryati +62818 1800 96
Lie Bun Hoa +62818 086 06678

"Setiap orang senantiasa ingin menciptakan dunia yang lebih baik, berharap dapat menyembuhkan luka, terbebas dari penyesalan akan masa lalu ataupun kekhawatiran akan masa depan, dan hidup harmonis satu sama lain. Namun, dunia ini terbentuk dari individu-individu, seperti saya dan kamu. Untuk menyembuhkan dunia, kita harus mulai dengan menyembuhkan diri kita sendiri.

Penyembuhan dapat dimulai dengan relaksasi, jasmani dan pikiran. Meluangkan waktu beberapa hari dari dunia yang begitu bising dan sibuk, untuk berlatih bersama dalam suasana alam yang begitu damai dan menyejukkan. Melihat dan menemukan kembali kedamaian dan kebahagiaan, dengan berlatih kesadaran saat bernafas, duduk, berjalan, makan, maupun berbicara. Kita meluangkan waktu sepenuhnya dalam melakukan semua aktifitas tanpa terburu-buru dan dengan penuh rasa sukacita, menyadari apa yang terjadi didalam maupun diluar diri, menyadari bahwa kita benar-benar hidup dengan Damai di Setiap Langkah."

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Plum Village Mindfulness Retreat & Dharma Talk 2009 - "Healing in Oneself, Healing in the World"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day of Mindfulness - March 26th 2009

Mindful Movement


Total Relaxation

Dharma Discussion

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

About Us

Welcome to the Seeds of Paddy Sangha, a mindfulness practice community based on Plum Village tradition (Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh) in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our Sangha sprouted after the first teaching trip by Plum Village delegation on last November 2008.

As the retreat and the art of mindful living practice bring out a lot of transformation and healing, watering our seeds of peace and joy, smile and ease, awareness and hapiness, thus we are aware that it is important to continue the practice in order to grow our beautiful seeds in us.

Practicing as a Sangha or a community in the spirit of brotherhood and sisterhood walking together on the path, is like putting the seed in a soil. As Thay ( Thich Nhat Hanh ) said, the Sangha is the soil, and we are the seed. No matter how beautiful, how vigorous our seed is, if the soil does not provide us with vitality, our seed will die.

And as paddy seeds that need to grow together, not as a single grain, to offer their fragrant rice, let’s gather our wholesome seeds and grow together to offer the beauty to our family, our society, and to the world.

Breathe & smile,


Monday, January 26, 2009

Seeds of Paddy

Dear friends,

I am so small and tiny

But when you look closely

You can see my green sprouting leaves

You can enjoy my yellow branches full of grains

Dancing with the wind in the field

And you can also smell the fragrant rice

Served in your dinning room

But my dear friends,

Without a good soil

Without the sun and cloud

Without the loving work of all beings

I will stay a tiny seed

A future paddy field, and a fragrant rice to-be

As all seeds need other elements to grow

So does the garden of the beautiful seeds in us

Seeds of joy & hapiness

Seeds of love and compassion

Seeds of understanding and mindfulness

We need friends and community as our soil

We need the whole universe to support us

And as a paddy seed that needs to grow together

Not as a single grain,

To offer their serene field,

To offer their fragrant rice,

Let’s gather our wholesome seeds and grow together

to offer the beauty to our family, our society, and to the world

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sangha: Friends on the Path

“We cannot go to the ocean as a drop of water, we would evaporate before reaching our destination. But if we become a river, if we go as a sangha, we are sure to arrive at the ocean. Taking refuge in a Sangha will allow the Sangha to carry us, to transport us, and we will suffer less”.

Buddha, Dharma & Sangha are the precious jewels in Buddhism, and the most important of these is Sangha. The Sangha contains the Buddha and the Dharma. A good teacher is important, but sisters and brothers in the practice are the main ingredient for success. You cannot achieve enlightenment by locking yourself in your room. Transformation is possible only when you are in touch.

What is a Sangha?

A Sangha is a community of friends practicing the Dharma together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness. The essence of a Sangha is awareness, understanding, acceptance, harmony, and love.

In Buddhist scriptures it is said that there are four communities : monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen.

The Sangha is a community of people who agree with each other that if we do not practice right mindfulness, we will lose all the beautiful things in our soul an all around us. People in the Sangha standing near us, practicing with us, support us so that we are not pulled away from the present moment. Whenever we find ourselves in a difficult situation, two or three friends in the Sangha who are there for us , understanding and helping us, will get us through it. Even in our silent practice we help each other.